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www.zmmquality.org The ultimate "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" homepage
www.possi.de Useful resources for motorcyclists and great photos
http://home.att.net/~wagtail/index.htm Detailed maps of the tour by Gary Wegner
www.eaglerider.com The world's leading motorcycle rental & tours company.
www.levity.com/corduroy/pirsig.htm Quotations form the novel and a discussion board
www.team-success.de/ord-neu/lit-tips/lit-pirs.htm Short but precise review of the novel
www.aurora-magazin.at/medien_kultur/maier_pirsig.htm Another well-written review of the novel
www.hornissenschutz-bs.de/frank/pirsig.html Even more about the novel
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